Science Animation

You can experiment, modify, and learn from the following samples. Remember that there is a tutorials page to learn the basics.

Scientic Phenomenon Animations
Bouncing balls due to gravity.

Press space bar to shoot.
Try changing the values to alter the height of the projectile.

Galilean Relativity

Try changing the values to alter the right-moving speeds of the objects.

Free Fall

Assume 1 pixel = 1 meter.
Acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 can be converted to meters per frame-squared
by dividing by 50 twice. (1 second = 50 frames).
Thus, the acceleration is 0.00392 pixel per frame.

Recall that the origin (0,0) is at the upper left corner of the canvas.
The center of the ball starts at height of 504,
which is at the y position of 96.

With the radius of the ball being 14, this sets the bottom of the
ball to be at y position of 110.
The ball will need to fall 490 pixels (or meters).
It should take 10 seconds.

Note: The final speed is the speed for the next frame.

Free Fall 2

Assume 1 pixel = 1 meter.
Acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2 can be converted to meters per frame-squared
by dividing by 50 twice. (1 second = 50 frames).
Thus, the acceleration is 0.00392 pixel per frame.

Recall that the origin (0,0) is at the upper left corner of the canvas.
The center of the ball starts at height of 504,
which is at the y position of 96.

The ball initially is moving up at 25 meters per second,
which is 0.5 pixels per frame.
How long will it take to reach the bottom border?

Note: The final speed is the speed for the next frame.

Samples Page